I love you BUT... I love you but, I am afraid. I am afraid of myself, and I am afraid of being an us. I love you but, I am unsure of my ability to be in a relationship. I love you but, I am committed to God's will for my life. I love you but, I am committed to honoring God in everything I do. Ilove you but, I have pledged my celebacy until I marry. I love you and, there is no denying that. I love you, but I can not lie. I love you but, I am a human pure and simple. I love you but, I can't live without you. I love you and we belong together. I can't fight my feelings for you, and I believe we are right for each other. I herewith pledge that no matter what, my love won't change. It is with this pledge that I promise you that I will strive to remain pure and blameless in the sight of the Lord. I believe we can have a wonderful relationship, but we must move slowly and carefully. Carefulness is the most important thing, and I hereby promise you that I will NOT let us be tempted to stray from the faith we hold dear. I love you but, my path is narrow and the path that we could go is broad, but we will not go that path. "But as for me I chose the road not taken and that has made all the difference." And so, it is with my great pleasure that I choose to pledge to you that I will not force our relationship to go faster than it should go for our sanity, and for our wellbeing. Signed with my own hand, ___________________________________ Signed this _____ day of_______________. The year of our Lord______.